Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Job Description

My dream job description:

Responsibility: help animals directly, in some way. For example: caring for them, finding homes for them, rehabilitating them, training them, teaching them, babysitting them or something else positive and good.
Salary: $70,000 (remember, I'm dreaming. will accept $30,000)
Hours: up to a 70 hour week
Dress code: casual, with occasional instances where I would need to get dressed up real purdy with heels and everything
Get dirty on a daily basis. Meaning, work with the animals directly, and get one of the following: muddy paw prints on pants, dirt on shirt from..somewhere, blood, wet dog food or other yucky stuff from preparing food for said animals, smelling stinky like fish from preparing food, crap on shoes from the ground or crap on self from being in an area where animals crap.
Coworkers: other people who love and respect animals (and people too!)
Duties: anything from administrative stuff and paperwork to cleaning up pee on the floor and taking out stinky garbage. Also, marketing, writing, researching ways to gain funding or other sources of income, talking to the public, educating the public and teaching children, feeding and caring for the animals, training volunteers, managing projects, brainstorming, proofreading, creating and maintaining a web site and sticking to a budget.


  1. If you replaced "animals" with "children" that would be my job (although sometimes my children can qualify as animals) except for the $70K or even $30K a year. I get paid in hugs and kisses and snot wiped on my shoulder. :)
    Good luck finding your dream job!

  2. You have such a great point! That is definitely a mom's job description, minus the pay. But they will pay you back when they are outstanding citizens singing glorious praises of how wonderful their mom is. :)
