Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bad bumpersticker - Charlotte NC

I saw a truck yesterday with signs all over it for "So-and-so's Martial Arts Academy". Then on the lower left bumper, a sticker:

My kid made your honor student tap out.

My immediate thoughts:
1. I'm sure he's a great parent, always supportive of any hobby or interest his child wants to try, including art classes or reading, right? Right.
2. The sticker and people like this make me nauseous.
3. I'm glad I didn't follow my childhood career aspiration of being a teacher because I would have to deal with parents like this. It would not be good for my blood pressure.
4. Sports are so good for kids; let them learn and play and compete but keep the "bully aspect" out of it.
5. I wonder how much the guy driving the truck resembles this fella from Karate Kid:


  1. what does that mean? Made your honor student "tap out"? Like in wrestling? I'm confused, I'm just not hip to the lingo. I hate those bumper stickers where it says "I'm the proud parent of a great kid". Better not give little Jane a complex if she didn't make honor roll, right?? It's right along the same lines of "no one won the soccer match and everyone gets a trophy for participating!" No wonder kids today are so entitled. end rant.:)

  2. "Tapping out" is what you do when you're fighting and you wish to give up. And there are lots of coaches who will kick you off the team (wrestling, kung fu, tae kwon do) for giving up.
