Tuesday, September 8, 2009

School is really pissing me off

I scored 40% on the first pop quiz of the semester for Chemistry, taken last week. Just when I think I get it, I don't get it. It's infuriating. The first test is the day after tomorrow and I just got home from school, so I will be spending every spare moment tomorrow at lunch and after work studying for the test. After school and work today and more school tonight, my brain is toast. Took my first Statistical Analysis test tonight and I think I did well but I thought I did well on the pop quiz. My confidence is really shot.

Another class I'm taking, Geography, is online. Basically you read a chapter, email the professor for a test, and email the test back within a week. The professor has sent out four different versions of how to get a test, beginning with "he will send it on a Tuesday and it's due back that Thursday" to "email me when you want a test and it will be sent to you that week and will be due back in two business days unless it's a Friday, where in that case it will be due back Monday". It's about the most convoluted testing process I've ever encountered. So last week (Friday) I emailed him asking for a test. He sent it and asked, "want any more?" I said, sure, thinking getting the tests will allow him not to have to send me an email every week. So he sent me five. Then he comes out with a new testing email explanation for how it's going to be done, and it says all tests are due back in two business days. I email asking him when mine will be due, since he sent five when I asked, and he said I have submitted one and the other four are "seriously overdue". Ugh! I can only think he will take points off each test for lateness, which means the A I thought I would get in the class is probably now a B. This is the second online class I've taken and I reluctantly took it because I don't have good luck with them: I have straight A's for college courses with the exception of the one online Psychology class I took where I made a B. I'm going to pray hard for the teacher's leniency with this incident, although it was his ill communication that caused the whole problem in the first place.

I still can't believe I made a 40 on that Chem quiz. I spent a ton of time and thought I had started to understand the material, but it's obvious I did not. I'm seriously questioning whether I'm smart enough to become a Vet. I printed out the curriculum for the Vet Med Tech program at Gaston Community College today. That feels like such a white flag to me though. Hopefully with a ton of work tomorrow I can get a solid grasp on this crap.

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