Thursday, August 27, 2009


I'm having a really hard time with it. The first week, I vacillated between lost and faintly understanding the lessons. After completing all of the homework (six hours of it) I understood the concepts pretty well. This week, I'm lost. And just when I think I start to understand, I find out that I don't understand. So today I spent three hours in the lab working on problems in Chemistry such as dimensional analysis and converting 480 decimeters/hour into x number of nanometers/second. I thought I was getting it, so I took the quiz online, which counts towards my grade, and is open book. I got 53% correct. My heart sank into a very large vessel. Would you like me to compute the volume of my heart? Or the density? Sorry, I can't.

Damn it! I'm good at stuff...bowling, golf, tests, cooking, writing, math, english, etc. etc. but I'm not good at Chemistry. It's killing me. I had heard it was hard but thought I would attend class, apply myself, study hard and excel, which is what I've done in every other class I have ever taken, in my life. But I'm not doing well and I'm getting discouraged. I'm thinking I'm not spending enough time on homework, but I'm so tired at the end of the day that I feel like I don't have enough brainpower left to work on Chemistry. When my day is spent at work, I'm emotionally drained, and when my day is spent at school, I'm mentally drained. Don't get me started on the days I do both.

This is just undergrad, and I'm starting to understand why my favorite Vet School bloggers don't post very often. Speaking of favorite Vet School bloggers:

Life in Vet School is my favorite, because it's the most relatable for me.
Just found this one, tonight:
Looks promising. Love the *gross* picture.


  1. chemistry was always my nemesis as well. that and calculus. i guess i'm just more of an english/history/poli sci kind of girl. but i have no doubt that you are just tired! hang in there. you'll get it, don't give up!

  2. I'm going to spend some quality time with it again today, after the dreaded dentist. Thanks for the support!
