Thursday, August 20, 2009

"After" a though Thursday

Update: It was so tough I spelled it wrong in the title and just realized it today, about three weeks later.

The pic I took this morning is Thursday "Before", or before the 12+ hour day. The following pic is the Thursday "After":

Pretty awful looking! Chemistry was very tough today and I swear I almost started crying at one point because I just couldn't seem to understand anything. Then the lab was eventful because *small world alert!* my lab partner turned out to be the Branch Administrator (similar to what I did before the reception change) for another large financial services company located exactly one mile from my office. That last sentence seems like it doesn't make sense, but maybe it's because I'm so tired. If it still doesn't make send tomorrow I will clarify at that point. After lab I walked to a parking garage and spent 20 minutes looking for my car until I realized I was in the wrong garage. As I was walking to the correct garage rain started pouring down on me and ruined my already marginal hairdo. I got to my car, broke out the chocolate milk from my cooler of food (more on this at some point), and drove 45 minutes in the pounding rain to the Levine campus. There, it is sunny and hot and muggy. Made a b-line to Subway because I was starving, despite all of my snacks. Got a sandwich, wolfed it down in front of a cafe PC, obsessively checked email, Facebook, news and the usual, then headed to the computer lab to study. Spent about 2.5 hours on Geography and mostly Chemistry. I still don't understand anything in Chemistry. This weekend will be spent trying to figure it out.
Then I walked on the treadmill in the awesome fitness center for 40 minutes, weighed myself and re-weighed myself because I didn't believe the first result. I LOST ANOTHER FOUR POUNDS! OMG! I had not weighed myself because my usual gym, Planet Fitness, does not have scales. They say it's because muscle weighs more than fat and they don't want people to get discouraged; I think they're just cheap, scales are expensive. I have lost 16 pounds total. I feel great. Finally.
Showered, ate some cheese and grapes and headed to Statistics. Interesting class. Drove home.
Having some wine and soon I will be in the bed after a salad. Tomorrow I'm putting in an extra shift at The Raptor Center so I can get some more time working with the Vet. I'm not looking forward to getting up at 645 right now but after my shift I'm sure I will be glad I did. I'm meeting with CJ, one of my old friends from work, afterward. He was laid off in March and just found a job. Yay CJ!
Blogging is good. Wine is good too. A glass of wine and writing a blog post works wonders. See?

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