Friday, August 14, 2009

Weekly Recap

This was my last full time week at work. I made it. Praise God!

School starts Monday along with my new schedule. I'm so excited about it all. I have all of my books and supplies laid out on my desk just like when I was a kid. Geez, I'm a little bit of a geek.

Jase and I are going to Blowing Rock tomorrow to spend the day hanging out, exploring and relaxing. An art festival will be in town.

My dad is in the hospital. I'm worried about him. But I know he will be OK. He's a strong person and one of the people I look up to the most in the whole universe. Get well soon, Dad. I love you. I hope you can feel me thinking about you.

I have been very good about working out and have lost a total of 12 pounds. My legs are getting very toned and my midsection is getting smaller. Back fat, shudder, is nearly gone. One thing I know, for sure: there is nothing sexy about back fat.

I'm ready to move to a smaller residence. It's suddenly ridiculous to me that we have one bedroom and a room on the first floor we don't even enter on a regular basis. I was thinking we would have some children to occupy the space but that didn't go as planned so it's now just wasted space with a big mortgage payment attached to it.

I'm coming up on my two year anniversary of not smoking. Not bad for a pack-plus per day smoker for 18 years. At one point I wasn't sure I could make it one hour without a cigarette and now I seldom think of them. I've come a long way, baby. Ewww, that was so cliche. I'm embarrassed for myself. So why don't you just delete it? Because I have come a long way. In just two years, I've come a very, very long way. I feel like I have run a marathon and I'm currently running down a long dock toward a sparkling clean lake. It might be a long dock but at least I can see the water and feel the humidity on my skin.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the smaller residence...just simple living in general seems more appealing. It's amazing how much money people spend on "stuff" that just clutters up our lives.
    Good for you on everything. I mean it - you are an inspiration! Good luck next week!
