Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reception=leading indicator

Work is really crazy right now. I can only hope the incoming call and visitor volume is a leading indicator of good things to come, like beating earnings expectations. Seriously, the volume is about five times that of just a couple of months ago. Some days I count the incoming calls and visitors, and it was about 55 and 26 respectively back in July. Monday of this week we had 355 deposits. A lot of them were good sized, in the $300,000 and up range. And today we had 127 calls and 52 visitors. That's more than April 15th, which is notoriously the busiest day of the year.

The good news is, I think things are starting to turn around. The bad news is, the stock market is one of the first things to turn around. Everything else, including employment figures, takes longer. The question is: how long?

Everyone in a support role at our office is overwhelmed. That happens when 25% of the staff is laid off and the rest are left to hold it together. I'm hoping hiring will start towards the end of this year, and when I say hiring I mean support personnel, not more rookie brokers, like the company has already started hiring. Yeah, they're hiring more brokers to saunter in around nine, sit in cubicles to study for the Series 7 exam while the other people who actually "earn" their paycheck are struggling to be able to get away from their cubicle for a pee break. It's the way it is and I'm afraid it's the way it will always be. And it's one of the reasons I'm in school.

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