Thursday, October 22, 2009


I went to bed last night with a sore throat and woke in the middle of the night with a horribly sore throat, achy skin and with a headache. Convinced I had H1N1, I hightailed it to the doctor this morning to find out I have a virus. He doesn't think it's H1N1, but it could be the flu. Basically all I can do is take Aleve, remain hydrated and sleep. I'm following doctor's orders so that I'm well on Sunday when it's time to get the camper. I feel really bad being 100% antisocial while Jason's mom is here but I also don't want to get her (or him) sick.

I slept about six hours today and after I work on Stats homework online I'm going back to sleep. I'm going to wish really hard that I wake tomorrow feeling better. Any improvement will be welcome. Damn germs.

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