Friday, October 30, 2009

Time Warner Jerks

So I get our Time Warner Cable bill in the mail, for our internet. We use them only for internet and have DirecTV for television. We have always paid $49.95 per month, which I think is high. So the bill this month is for $54.95. Under the total due amount, it says the following:

"Thank you for the prompt payment to your account. Please let us know how we can serve you better. Effective with your current bill, the monthly price for your Internet service will increase $5.00 per month."

What the hell?? Can they do this, meaning just up and decide that with no notice our bill is 10% higher? Yes, it's only $5 but's it's 10% our bill! They should at least have to give a 30 day notice for something like this. I love my internet but I HATE paying for it. It seems like something everyone should have access to, with just a minimal monthly charge. Or maybe tax us for it or something.

Does everyone pay this much for internet? Are there other options that you know of? The service I pay for must be pretty reliable and must be faster than dial up. We don't even have a home phone so dial up would be out of the question anyway. Ideas? Options?

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